Saturday, March 17, 2012

Socialist Alliance Queensland: Reject Katter Party Homophobia!


Liam Flenady, Socialist Alliance candidate for the seat of South Brisbane in the March 24 Queensland elections, today slammed the TV advert by Bob Katter's Australian Party (KAP) attacking LNP leader Campbell Newman over the gay marriage issue. "The advert is homophobic and abhorrent to all decent human values," Flenady said.

"The KAP ad attacks Newman for his supposed personal support for gay marriage. It undermines and demeans the rights of gay and lesbian to have their relationships recognised legally, just like any other couple in our society.

"Bob Katter's brother Carl was right on the money when he commented, 'My brother talks about family values. Well, I'm here to tell him that hate is not a family value.'

"Katter and his colleagues in the Queensland branch of the KAP seem intent on returning to the dark days of the Joh Bjelke-Petersen regime in this state. We need to go forward to a new, humane era of equal rights, not go back to the conservative and divisive policies of the past.

"That said, Newman is himself hypocritical on the gay civil unions issue. When asked, he noted, 'We would be looking at that [repealing civil union legislation] if we become the government....' He is obviously caving in to the strong Christian right lobby in the LNP on this vital matter.

"The ALP is also two-faced on the equal marriage rights question, enacting civil unions laws in Queensland, but refusing to support necessary legislation for full equal marriage rights at the federal level.

"Socialist Alliance, on the other hand, supports full marriage equality for all. Our full policy on LGBTI rights is below," Flenady said.

SA policy on equality for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender and intersex people

We live in a society which attempts to dictate sexual preference and gender identity through promoting the gender stereotypes and homophobic attitudes which underpin the heterosexual nuclear family, and by promoting marriage and the nuclear family as the only legitimate model for relationships. Lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, trans people and intersex people suffer oppression because their lives are a challenge to the nuclear family which is an economic cornerstone of capitalism.

The Socialist Alliance opposes all attempts to shoehorn people into sexual and gender conformity. We believe it is a basic democratic right that a persons? self-definition of sexual preference and gender identity should be recognised. Heterosexism exists at almost every level in this society, and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity is entrenched in all of the key institutions of society - education, health, the law, the media, family, church and state.

The Socialist Alliance supports politically independent and self-organizing social movements that fight the oppression of women, lesbians and gay men, trans and intersex people, people with HIV and sex workers through mass action, public demonstrations, lobbying, voting and by building alliances with the broader working class, feminist, and anti-capitalist movements.

We oppose sexism, racism, ageism, and discrimination against people with disabilities within the lesbian and gay communities, as we do in the broader community.

In government the Socialist Alliance will:

Enact enforceable anti-discrimination legislation to protect lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, people living with HIV and trans and intersex people. We will remove existing exemptions from anti-discrimination legislation in relation to employment for private schools, religious organisations, the insurance industry, the tax system, superannuation etc. The Socialist Alliance will legislate for the right of trans and intersex people to be issued with passports, drivers licenses and other documents specifying the gender (or non-gender) of their choice.

Legislate full social, legal, trade union and industrial recognition of same sex and gender variant relationships. This would include extending to same sex relationships equal status with heterosexual de factos in superannuation, immigration, taxation, family law, industrial relations and any other laws and regulations; ensure the right of gays, lesbians and gender variants to choose to marry if they so wish; provide independent incomes [Newstart, Pensions, etc] for all regardless of relationship status - this will end state-enforced economic dependency.

Guarantee the right of gay men and lesbians to adopt or foster children and to access free, safe reproductive technology like IVF. End discrimination against gay men, lesbians, trans and intersex people in child custody cases.

Legislate against use of non-violent homosexual ?advance? as a defense of ?provocation? in violent crime.

Provide full state funding for gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans people and intersex youth programs including refuges and housing services, health services, coming out, self-esteem and suicide prevention programs;

All public funding for education, youth, aged, health, employment and welfare to be directed though non-discriminatory government and/or secular non-profit community organisations. Education in schools to incorporate positive material on homosexuality, trans and intersex peoples.

Support Pride Marches, the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, film and video festivals and other queer community events; defend and extend gay, lesbian trans and intersex programming on the ABC, SBS and community broadcasters; work vigorously for an end to the vicious and destructive portrayal of gay men, lesbians and trans people people in some sections of the media.

Mandatory sensitivity training and refresher courses for the police force in how to deal with LGBTI issues. This education and training must be developed with and by the LGBTI community. The selection of LGBTI liaison officers should be under the control of the LGBTI community and recallable.

Support gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans and intersex workers; promote strong policies within unions to defend gay, lesbian, trans and intersex workers; support the establishment of gay and lesbian caucuses within trade unions.


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